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I have known Kimberly for several years through my rescue. I am in Buffalo, NY and Kimberly regularly assists in transporting dogs from southern shelters to our rescue. We are always excited when we see that she is available to help us, as she is always careful, responsible and extremely caring, and that makes a huge difference for the many scared dogs who unsure about the world! We are so grateful for her help over the years!

The Silver Lining for Pit Bulls
Central Ohio Pomeranian Rescue

I have known Kimberly for several years through the rescue community. She has adopted a dog from our rescue and she has been a huge asset to animal rescue by assisting with volunteer transports which in turn has helped save so many lives. Kimberly has always followed safety protocol and done a upstanding job handling the dogs on her transports. 

I have known Kimberly for a couple of years and find her to be one of the best people I've met in rescue. On all of our transports she comes prepared and ready to take on any challenge. Her tenderness and care with the animals is always there. I would trust any animal to her care for transport or care. She is the BEST!!!

Joyway Rescue
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